The Auvézère
This area to the north-west of Terrasson is the land of writer Eugène Le Roy. Born at the castle of Hautefort, where is father was the ‘intendant et valet du baron de Damas’. The area is the setting of a number of his novels; Nicette et Milou (1901), Au pays des pierres (1906), and the posthumously published cheeky La Damnation de Saint-Guynefort (1935). His best known and most influencial novel Jacquou le Croquant (1900) is set in the Forêt de Barade on the south-western borders of this area, that is covered on the Périgord Noir page.

Le Pays d’Ans
At the confluence with the small stream of the Blâme we find the Forge d’Ans, it is the start of the Route des Canons as well as the Pays d’Ans. Dating back to the 10th century when the Châtellenie of Ans was established under the Vicomté de Limoges. In the 13th century a castle was constructed in Ans close to today’s La Boissière-d'Ans (Ans being a pre-gallacian term meaning river). In 1346 the Ans castle was captured and recaptured by the 'English', then destroyed in 1370.