What 'n when
When is the best time to visit? That depends a lot on what you would like to do 'n see. Unlike cosmopolitan cities, life here follows the seasons, climate, nature and terroir.

Every season offers different attractions and an experience on its own. On this page we bring together the information regarding the climate, tourist season, as well as seasonal products, activities and festivals.
The 'Seasons'
We like to divide the year into five parts that do not necessarily follow the natural seasons. Practically, we are closed between November and March as these are the least attractive months.
The months April, May and June are indeed a very nice time to visit as nature awakes and the weather is generally fine (though nights can be cool).
Most attractions start to open, but outside the national holidays it is quiet (good for those would like to avoid crowds). Good time to hike, cycle, and you can pick the right day for kayaking.
Speaking of 'picking', this is the season to go out and pick cherries, strawberries and girolle mushrooms! :D
July and August are the school holidays and half Europe heads south. This time of year it can be quite hot & crowded, but atmosphere is great! Everything is open; terraces, cafes, restaurants, summer markets are full of smiling people, and lots of activities and festivals are happening. If you like being in a crowd or need the crowd to affirm that the place you are visiting is indeed a popular tourist attraction, this is the time! ;D
Forget visiting the limited caves around Les Eyzies in summer though, unless you are prepared to sleep in front of the ticket office. Book world famous major attractions like Lascaux IV or the breath taking underground river Padirac Cave, well in advance through internet, and allow us time to phone around and make reservations for kayaking and other site visits.
The long days give you the opportunity to go for a walk after dinner as the sun is out till 10pm and starts to loose its bite a little by the evening.
September and October are a great time to visit as nature prepares for winter. Juicy apples, golden walnuts and sweety chestnut… are ready for harvest and as leaves on the trees start to turn orange, red and yellow, various kinds of mushrooms pop-up around the forest.
Have you dreamed of hiking, biking, kayaking, visiting attractions, taking photos, writing poems, painting… embraced by the poetic & picturesque scenery. ;)
The period of December, January and February we would like to call 'winter', and is the least attractive time to visit. Except for searching the Black Périgord Truffles (also known as ‘Black Diamond’) and visiting some of the most restricted caves around Les Eyzies the season is good for hiking, if you do not mind short dark days, occasional frost (though seldom snow), mist and a good chance of rain.
It is the time of year almost all attractions are closed and local people use to go on their holidays or do maintenance and building work.
March and November
These two months often do provide short but nice days, are a good time to hike, see nature wake-up in early Spring, or descent into winter in the late Autumn. This period has its attractions for those wanting to take a chance, but could have you holed-up next to the fire with a hot chocolate, glass of red wine and a good book/conversation.